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  4. version 24.4.6 (04/22/2024)

version 24.4.6 (04/22/2024)

  • Correction of text from min/1km to min/km.
  • The Description item, which can be set in the race definition, will now be displayed in the race results by default. Until now, this item was hidden in the results by default.
  • Uploading data to FTP server has been modified – timeout has been set to 10 seconds. It used to happen that some FTP servers did not respond fast enough and the data transfer did not happen and instead an error was displayed.
  • Addition of notification to the Panel in case there is a change in the race being worked with in the Panel. For example, after a race has started, the corresponding Panel did not update any countdown that was used in the Panel header.
  • Fix in the report definition Individual result email body including details. For some email clients (e.g. web-based GMAIL), the set style was not applied in the individual results table – the table was not colored, …
  • Additional definition was added to report definitions for printing start numbers from the Racers agenda.