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  4. version 24.3.4 (03/19/2024)

version 24.3.4 (03/19/2024)

  • Adding support for time-limited races and races where distance is measured rather than time. These two features may not always be used together. In the race edit – on the Basic tab, the items have been slightly reorganized. There is a switch Use duration limit, which, when enabled, allows you to specify (instead of the planned and real end time) the duration of the race. Race duration is applied to each racer individually, so if a race has interval starts or individual or chip starts, the time from that racer’s start is counted. Chip entries after this time are ignored. So far, there is not disabled function Stop Race, if the race has this flag set. Also in the race editing – on the Results Settings tab, there is an Use additional distance toggle, which when turned on will cause an Additional distance column to be added to the racers (both in individual editing and bulk editing), which can be filled in (and possibly synced with the API and Google spreadsheet). Also, a Total Distance column will be automatically added to the race result. In this case, the Total Time column toggle is not available. If you check the Show gap to leader toggle, the gap is quantified in meters. It doesn’t matter if the race has cycles or not – the total distance covered is calculated by the completed segments/cycles and their distance definitions. And the Additional distance entered by the Racer is added to it. If Use Coefficient is set, the Total Distance is divided by the given coefficients.
  • The Responsible entry in the race definition is no longer mandatory.
  • The display of duration (e.g. in results or panels) will now (if possible) be shorter – i.e. it will not contain zero hours if the duration is less than 1 hour or zero minutes if the duration is less than 1 minute.
  • In order to better configure what will be displayed in the details in the race results in the case of a race with cycles (detailed information about individual cycles), the ability to set the visibility of the detail columns has been added to the race results.