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  4. version 24.12.2 (12/01/2024)

version 24.12.2 (12/01/2024)

  • On the pages that receive notifications of changes, a modification was made so that if the connection is interrupted, the page is not immediately reloaded, but to wait until the reconnection occurs and the page is reloaded afterwards. This applies to the following pages: Antennas monitor, Display panel, Entries, Chips inventory, Chips registration, Message queue, Race results, Race start.
  • A check (and possible warning) that the internal RFID module is not running has been added to some pages. This applies to the following pages: Entries, Chips inventory, Race Results, Race Start. This warning can be turned off in the Basic Configuration on the RFID tab.
  • Adding support for displaying country flags in race results when country flags are used by racers in a race. Two columns are then available in the race result. The country code (ISO or IOC) and the flag.
  • Data with information from individual laps (in case of a race with cycles) is now only displayed for racers with OK or DNF status. It is now not displayed for racers with DSQ or DNS status.
  • Fix for SK translation: Gap -> Strata
  • Modification in the definition of the Results table report. Firstly, it was minor visual changes – e.g. support for displaying country flags, but also that the created page included complete data from the race results (although some were not displayed) including racers’ emails and phone numbers. The report definition has been modified so that only visible fields are now included in the resulting html file.
  • Two new report definitions for exporting race results to your server, creating a fully responsive results page – light and dark theme. These pages use the Tabulator javascript component for their display, which is not part of the page (it is downloaded from the internet) and therefore the browser must have internet access to display this page.However, if the page generated in this way is placed on the web, the user’s browser still has access to the internet. The generated pages remember what sorting and grouping the user has chosen and are used even after the page is refreshed or when the page is visited again.
  • The ability to automatically set categories for competitors by definition has been added. The definition contains expressions that determine the categories of racers according to an expression that is applied to the data of the racer – e.g. according to his/her age in relation to the race and maybe also according to his/her gender. For each race, it is possible to specify which definition the race will use to determine the categories. It is of course possible not to specify a definition and to use the system as before – i.e. to enter the category manually. If the category is determined automatically, the Category entry will appear in the edit, but the user cannot edit it directly and it will calculate itself only when the racer is saved.
  • Information about the current database used has been added to the footer of all pages.