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  4. version 23.10.2 (10/27/2023)

version 23.10.2 (10/27/2023)

  • Hungarian language support has been added to the device, so RaceMeter now also communicates in Hungarian.
  • The option to set the display of data from individual cycles/rounds in compressed form has been added to the race result that has cycling set. This setting will also be reflected in the eventual printing of results.
  • Fixed error when closing FTP connection. FTP connections were hanging and some FTP servers were reporting an error and not allowing further connections.
  • Completion of HTML report with race results (formatting, correct display of data, possibility to show details about individual cycles/rounds …).
  • Reworking of ‘Edit racers’ to work in case of multi-window (multi-user) editing. Until now, the way it worked was that when you saved from the ‘Edit racers’, records that were changed were updated (if someone deleted them in the meantime, they were added), new records were added, and records with racers of a given race that were in the database but not in the saved racer list were removed. Additionally, if the ‘Save and Stay’ button was used, the list of edited racers was not updated with the assigned internal identifiers (ids). Thus, this resulted in deleting existing records and adding new records instead of updating them during subsequent saving. Now saving racers from ‘Edit racers’ works as follows.
    1. If a record with a racer has been loaded (and is currently in the database) but is not in the list of saved racers (checked by ID), remove the racer from the database.
    2. If the racer has been loaded and is currently in the database and also in the list of saved racers, either update (if different) or do nothing.
    3. If a change is made to a racer but the racer is no longer in the database, a new racer record is saved with the new ID.

    If the ‘Save and Stay’ button is used, the racer list (including the IDs of the newly created racers) will be updated after successful execution.

  • The api function results/get_result has been modified to respect the passed locale (language) – i.e. the labels are in the appropriate language. If the locale is not passed, the locale set in the RaceMeter Base Configuration is used.
  • The ‘Result upload’ setting in the race definition has been extended to allow you to send not only json data to the ftp server but also html data. The resulting html is then created by applying the selected definable report to the result data of the race. A system report has been added to the system that will turn the race result data into an interactive html page (completely separate) that will allow whoever views the result to custom group and sort the result.
  • A new report definition has been added to send individual results in an abbreviated form.