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  4. version 22.9.5 (09/22/2022)

version 22.9.5 (09/22/2022)

  • Adding the ability to use custom report definitions to send individual results as SMS or email. In the race definition on the Results Settings tab, if results are set to be sent as SMS or email, an editor will appear that allows you to select from a list of report definitions.
  • Date and Message-ID headers were added to the sent emails. If the target recipient was a GMAIL account, the email was not delivered because Google refused to accept such emails and returned them as undeliverable.
  • When sending an email or SMS if no service (for sending SMS or emails) is set up, an error will now appear informing you of this situation.
  • Minor modification of the way of calculating the race result in case there was a segment (X) in the race definition that is completed by the last entry (typically a depo) and then followed by some other segment (Y). Thus, if an entry from an antenna that is used in segment X still appears after a long time, the time on that segment (X) will be extended. Thus, the time spent in the depo is increased. However, if the topology of the race was such that a recording could (inadvertently) occur from the antenna terminating segment X earlier than from the antenna for segment Y (when terminating segment Y), the time on segment X (i.e. the depo) was extended. But then, due to the minimal time in segment Y, there was no evaluation of segment Y. This behavior has been modified so that the time extension on segment X occurs only if the recorded time differs from the previous time by a value less than the minimum time defined for the following segment Y.
  • Adding the ability to update the list of racers in a given race according to the data in the Google spreadsheet. The Racers Synchronization tab has been added to the race definition edit. In the meantime, you can select either the Do not synchronize option or the From Google spreadsheet option on this tab. In the case of the From Google spreadsheets option, the system must first obtain authorization for Google Spreadsheets on the account where the spreadsheet is available. After obtaining authorization, it is necessary to select the table and sheet from which the racers’ data will be retrieved. Then you need to set up the so-called conversion bridge in a simple form – i.e. which column in the Google spreadsheet will be loaded into which column in the RaceMeter racer table. The sync definition created in this way is part of the race definition. The Synchronize button will then appear in the Edit Racers agenda (if synchronization is set for the race). After pressing it, the data from the defined Google spreadsheet will be loaded and processed into the edited list of racers. The processing (or synchronization) works as follows:
    1. All rows of the Google spreadsheet are scanned and for those rows where the start number is filled in, the racer table is searched for the racer by start number. If a racer with this start number is found, the data will be updated (according to the defined transfer bridge) and the Incomplete flag will be cleared. In case the racer is not found by the start number, a new racer is created according to the data in the Google table row (and using the conversion bridge).
    2. Then, for all racers, the starting number is used to determine whether there is a corresponding entry in the Google spreadsheet. For those racers for whom a matching entry in the Google spreadsheet cannot be found, all data (except the start number and chip numbers) is cleared and the Incomplete flag is set.
  • Addition of the ability to view chip logs for a given racer. Both on the race results page and in the racers’ agenda. Chip logs are filtered for all racer’s chips and time by the race start and finish time.