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  4. version 22.7.4 (07/29/2022)

version 22.7.4 (07/29/2022)

  • Modification of the communication method with the RFID module. Now it works only with connected antennas and every 2 seconds all ports are tested and the status of the antennas is checked. This makes it unnecessary to work with unconnected ports most of the time.
  • Addition of displaying antenna status on the display and on the Antenna Monitoring page depending on whether the module is powered on and whether the antenna is connected.
  • It is also possible to set a threshold (value) to determine if the antenna is connected.
  • In the Print/Export function, it is now possible to quickly transfer the created file to an FTP server. If the user defines the connection to the FTP server (hostname, username and password) in the Basic Configuration, the option Upload to FTP server is also displayed in the print dialog. Then it is only possible to add the path and possibly modify the name of the file to be sent.