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  4. version 21.11.4 (11/26/2021)

version 21.11.4 (11/26/2021)

  • addition of displaying Tor id as QRCode on the display and on the Tor settings page
  • fixed injected bug – searching in some agendas through all columns did not work – searching/filtering in individual columns worked correctly
  • added support for detecting internet connection via USB modem
  • improvement of the way of detecting the internet connection status on the display
  • bug fix – saving competitors in bulk editing did not work if the date of birth was entered – it reported a validation error
  • addition of a list of racers to the Race Start page (can be used e.g. for pre-start presentation). If the race has an interval start set, there is a dynamic hint on this page (in the form of a changing table with the racers and their time to start) for the starter, who then lets the individual racers into the race
  • fixed a bug in the bulk editing of racers – Ctrl+V in the start delay column did not work correctly if the data was entered in mm:ss format